This famous cultivar of Japanese Maple has probably the
finest, fiery red autumn colours of all the many superb varieties

Acer palmatum
is usually known as the Japanese maple, it actually also grows in
Korea and right across China into Sichuan Province in the west.
autumn colours of many maples, especially selections of Acer
is very dependent on the pH (acidity / alkalinity) of the soil. They
prefer lime free soil, so here, on our almost neutral ground, we are
applying an annual dressing of sulphur granules round our maples at
the rate of 1 or 2 oz per square yard, to make the soil more acid,
and year by year the intensity of the autumn colour increases.
The Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki' in our gardens is around 16 years old and has reached a height of around 3m (10 ft) to 4m (13 ft) with a spread of 3m (10 ft)
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